Fashion has been so obsessed with youth for the last 50 years, its all about slim figures and fresh faces, but over the last couple of months a trend has formed in the fashion world. They have began to realise you don't have to be young to be beautiful.
CĂ©line chose 80 year old, Joan Didion for their spring ’15 campaign model. Joan is an American author best known for her novels and her literary journalism. This campaign went global in 24 hours. Shortly after the ad was released may designers court onto the trend for example, Saint Laurent debuted an ad starring Joni Mitchell, 71.
The ad is seen as classy and respectful, it doesn't involve any tag lines or quote (usually not common in most fashion ad anyways) but the image and the brand name says it all. I can understand why this ad is appealing and eye catching to viewers, when going though a fashion magazine or looking at fashion ads you would expect to see a fresh faced, slim fit, young model not a mature, well respect journalist modelling for a high end fashion ad.
The image is very simple Joan is wearing understated clothing with muted colours, sleeked back grey hair and visible born structure (like of a model) and over sized black sunglasses often associated with celebrities often trying to hide their face from paparazzi. In this ad Joan's age is not trying to be hided, the image is not overly edited, it looks like a simple shot taken with a strong flash (like of which taken by the paparazzi).
Over all this ad got so much publicity because it showed the fashion world that beauty and fashion DOESN'T mean youth. The older generation can be as glamours and fashionable as the current generation.
CĂ©line chose 80 year old, Joan Didion for their spring ’15 campaign model. Joan is an American author best known for her novels and her literary journalism. This campaign went global in 24 hours. Shortly after the ad was released may designers court onto the trend for example, Saint Laurent debuted an ad starring Joni Mitchell, 71.
The image is very simple Joan is wearing understated clothing with muted colours, sleeked back grey hair and visible born structure (like of a model) and over sized black sunglasses often associated with celebrities often trying to hide their face from paparazzi. In this ad Joan's age is not trying to be hided, the image is not overly edited, it looks like a simple shot taken with a strong flash (like of which taken by the paparazzi).